Rioteers v. Cadnam, 6th June, 2021

Joy at Last

Joy was unconfined on Sunday evening after the Rioteers 1st win of the season under seasoned campaigner and new captain Williams lifted them off the bottom of the table. With talk of new investment and an ambition for the IPL, things are looking up.

Brazier, for it was he, had done a marvellous job of sorting out a team, and an oppo so welcoming on a glorious half term Sunday afternoon, and had even brought along a grandson as strike bowler, but after the second ball, a typical off stump Hill bullet had been planted firmly into the forest, things were looking like the traditional long hard afternoon, but having won the toss and elected to bowl on a damp green wicket, new captain Williams had a trick or two up his sleeve.

Leaving Hillier (B) in the outfield, he bowled himself for 8 straight overs, taking 1 for 26, thanks to an excellent stumping by the returning Gilby, when it was generally noted that it was good to have a decent keeper at last.

At the other (downhill) end Hill had taken 4 overs of toil and was then replaced by 5 overs of Hillier, and the rate had slowed but batsmen were still there, and the opener was playing cleanly through the offside, but a wall formed by the excellent Prince, Hillier (W) and Ronaldo triumvirate kept the run rate slow, and after reaching three figures the opener was run out for an excellent 102.

At this point Brazier (S) and Mills were keeping the run rate slow with 6 overs each of a mix of guile turn, flight, and simon’s right arm dollies, and with two overs from both Hillier (W) and Ronaldo bringing some welcome entertainment, it was the last 8 overs from Hill and Hillier (B) that kept the score down to an eminently chaseable 191 for about 6.

Tea, largely from Brazier (Mrs), was consumed with gusto, especially the flapjacks, but good to see the Masters and others joining the fray.

And so another key decision, to open with Brazier, and Hillier (J) and at 50 without loss in the face of an unusually weak bowling attack things were going swimmingly, but Hillier (J) fell, leading Prince to the wicket at three. And then the lengthy languid hitting of Prince, sped the rate up, but not the running, before simon played a foolish attempt to hit one off the square and was caught for just over 50, leading to Hillier (B) with his brand new bat, to whack a few more Into the forest, and that’s how it finished with Prince and Hillier ( B) undefeated, Prince, solidifying his unexpected number 3 spot, well into his fifities.

A few cold beers washed down with the taste of victory, and it was nice to see that the people who contributed a lot were not the usual suspects, but Prince, Millsy, Gilby Wilf and Rob, who fielded excellently, batted excellently and bowled excellently – so well done for Richard again getting such a strong team together during half term.

Onwards and upwards to Crawley …

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