Rioteers CC v. Crawley CC, 16 June 2019

In cricket, few things are more important than timing. The caress of a cover drive is nothing without it, otherwise you’re watching Williams flay another over cow. Sometimes it works for you, as it did for most of Sunday….. Horrific weather is the only thing that will distract a Rioteer from a sunday fixture, but …

Rioteers CC v Cadnam CC, 9 June, 2019

Today at Cadnam there was a lively discussion about the genre of cricket reporting literature. Should writers experiment with what has the potential to be a mutable format and celebrate the richness of the English language—owing to its rich etymology, for example, it has roughly twice the number of words in its vocabulary than does …

Rioteers CC v Racqueteers CC, 19 May 2019

In contrast to the bucolic locations typically visited by the Rioteers, this Sunday’s game took place beneath the apathetic, metropolitan glower of downtown Winchester’s skyscrapers, graffiti, ennui, and menace (just down the road from the nihilistic, metropolitan sneer, lassitude, menace, etc. of the home of the Rioteers’ match manager for this fixture – Ed.). We …

Rioteers CC v Hambledon CC, 5 May 2019

Today’s match report comes to you courtesy of the Stafford Cricket Article Template (SCAT®). It is open-source and therefore available for use by any match managers that might be struggling with writer’s block, as I am at the moment. A copy of the template may be acquired here. After the previous week’s draw with St …

Stafford Cricket Article Template (SCAT®)

SCAT is an open-source (MIT licence) resource, available for use by any match managers that might be struggling with writer’s block. A [youthful|hopeful|superb|battle-hardened|burly|ugly|cheerful|forlorn|seemingly randomly cobbled-together] Rioteers team today enjoyed the hospitality of [host team’s name here] in beautiful surroundings and in [insert weather conditions here] weather. [Insert philosophical or other musings here – if you …

Rioteers CC v. Wield CC, 16 September, 2018

The third man The route from Sheffield to Lower Wield is not regularly travelled, however our number three batsman left at 7am, and after a hearty northern breakfast of roast whippet and two slices of gravy, arrived at the Yew Tree at midday in the aforementioned suburb of Alresford, and in singular glory ordered the …

Rioteers CC v. Chute CC, 9 September, 2018

The quintessential Rioteers match report traditionally carries an excess of metaphor, simile, allegory, and symbolism, exemplified below. ‘Brazier’s left arm carried the threat of a cold sponge pudding.’ ‘nestled within the idyllic surroundings, the pedigree Herefords stood warily at long leg as Williams approached the crease’ ‘We may define liberty, then, in Leonard Read’s felicitous …

Rioteers CC v Crawley Crows CC, 5 August, 2018

The sunshine was turned up to full volume, as might’ve been Edward Elgar’s second symphony, as the Rioteers converged upon the pastoral, sun-dappled, English idyll of the Crawley Crows’ cricket ground. The quintessentially English music was replaced by The Ride of the Valkyries as those Rioteers arriving by bike rode over the horizon to join …

Rioteers CC v Newport Inn CC at Braishfield on Sunday, 22nd July 2018

In the bucolic setting of Braishfield, bathed in the unaccustomed warmth of this unusual summer, the Rioteers put in a performance as rare as the weather and one which befitted the glorious tea provided by our opponents. However, not all omens were auspicious at the start: the opposing captain was obliged to point out some …