Rioteers CC v. East Meon, 16 Aug., 2020

A strong turn out on a murky Sunday afternoon.

The players met at the Izaak Walton for a loosener, while the match manager with Charlie following in convoy arrived at the ground with at least 5 mins to spare.

The toss was lost and E Meon decided to bat in the constant drizzle.

With Jim Shea injured and Braz stepping into scorer mode we were able to cap another Rioteer debutant Simon Wilson – strong journalistic background, so I’ll be brief !
First up Bertie was given the new ball and managed to bring our debutant into play at mid-wicket where he managed everything but stopping the ball, showing top Rioteer credentials from the off!

Welcome Simon, to the Rioteers!

Capt Bickers having chosen to keep wicket whilst awaiting Simon Brazier’s arrival was in for a rough ride. One of Bertie’s hurled missiles pitching slightly short of a length and shooting along the ground, the next flying wide and high to the fine leg boundary. Then the fourth a good length ball going down leg-side took off viciously scything through the Bickers’ grasping gloves and pinging him on the side of his unprotected head. He went down in shock and pain. Meanwhile Simon Braz had arrived and was padding up.

Poor Bickers had to retire hurt and the game continued with Simon taking over the gloves.

However the drizzle upped it’s tempo and the game was abandoned after another couple of overs.

We all retired to the Izaak Walton for the debrief and to check if the skipper was fit to drive home.

So the skipper continues unbeaten but only just !

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