Rioteers CC v. Newport CC, 19 July, 2020

Our season finally got underway against our old favourites – Newport Inn CC – on their picturesque ground in Braishfield. Our young but experienced team gathered under the new captain – Bickers, who lost his first toss and the Rioteers were asked to bowl. Harrisson Hill (15) opened up with the now elderly Williams. After …

Rioteers CC v. White Hunter CC, 2 June 2019

Finalmente! Lo so. Ragazzi, è stata una grande battaglia e alla fine ne siamo usciti vincitori.  Richard Brazier ha vinto la battaglia delle lemon drizzle contro la formidable torta degli avversari.  Non bisogna mai sottovalutare il peso di anni e anni e anni di esperienza. È stato il nostro primo incontro con White Hunters e …

Rioteers CC v. Longparish CC, 25 August 2019

Where were you when Stokes beat the Aussies? The Rioteer faithful (that unlikely fan base) travelled varying distances to the quintessential, idyllic cricket ground of Longparish – from 200 yds to 12,000 miles in the case of Damian’s cousin Diane from Australia.  Meanwhile at Headingley, Australia had removed Root early doors and Bairstow had also …

Rioteers CC v. Newport Inn CC, 21 July 2019

Regular readers of Rioteers’ match reports should be prepared to suspend belief before continuing with this one. On Sunday, 21st July, the Rioteers (but not initially their Captain) found themselves once more in the delightfully rural setting of Braishfield, ready to play old opponents, Newport Inn CC. In the absence of Martin Hillier at the …

Rioteers CC v. Broadhalfpenny Brigands CC, 14th July 2019

Having spent the two weeks prior to the game sweating to try and increase the squad from eight to the requisite eleven I was then blessed with four quality additions with a day to spare. Thanks to Princey for agreeing to step down. The three new players being the returning Chris and Sam Green and …

Rioteers CC v. Appleshaw CC, 7 July 2019 – and breaking news

AND BREAKING NEWS WHICH WILL SHOCK THE WORLD!!! After an absence of 3 years the Rioteers ventured back to the idyllic village of Appleshaw. Due to a the Hillier family party, an early start was made at 1pm for a 30 over bash with wides counting as 2. (This proved to be a factor with …

Ode to Alderney. Or, a flawed history of a flawless tour, 21-23 June, 2019

This weekend a seemingly phenanthrene-fuelled [actually alcohol-fuelled, Ed.] Blitzkreig was waged on Alderney by the Rioteers – the infamous farrago of twaddlers, fenilletons, wall-mounted heliantheae, philosophically mesomorphic, socially congelifraction-inducing bunch that we are. [Right, you’ve met Richard’s word-inclusion challenge. In just one sentence, as I predicted you’d manage to do. Now would you please get …