Rioteers CC v Broadhalfpenny Brigands CC, 1 July 2018

So Rioteers again graced the cradle of cricket. Walking in the steps of the founders of the modern game and Victorian greats such as WG Grace, Gilbert Jessop and Richard “9fer” Brazier. Unusually the Brigands were down to 9 players and Damian honourably offered to play for them to even matters up as 10 a …

Rioteers CC v Cadnam CC, 10 June 2018

On the journey to today’s game at Cadnam three Rioteers discussed, among other things, the fact that the first international cricket match was played between Canada and the United States on 24 and 25 September 1844, and that Great Britain beat the USA to become the first baseball world champions in 1938. We ruminated on …

Rioteers CC v Newport Inn CC, 24th September, 2017

“To everything … there is a season.” This unfortunatley applies also to cricket, and so the Rioteers arrived at Braishfield ready to play their last cricket of 2017, and what would end up being both their second and third games this season against good friends and splendid hosts, Newport Inn. Having won the toss, Captain …

Rioteers CC v Hinton Admiral CC, 27th August, 2017

With the world and his dog joining queues stretching from Ringwood to Andover just to be part of The Rioteers’ own Barmy Army, the various routes adopted by our 11½ man team – Walder taking over at tea (with thanks to the oppo for their approval) from our wicky for the day and professional comedian, …

Rioteers CC v East Meon CC, 20th August, 2017

A number of schools of thought exist about August … Firstly you have those of 11 years or younger who see it as a Haribo fuelled den of delight with sleepovers, no school and acres of screen time. Secondly there are those careworn parents who see the period as a mine–field of juggling jobs, holidays …

Rioteers CC v Longparish CC, 9th July, 2017

After a testing recruitment drive, 11 Rioteers worthy of the name arrived at the quintessential home of English village cricket – complete with thatched pavilion chalk streams and water-meadows – Longparish. Home of the retired master of cricket correspondence, John Woodcock – oh what would he make of the match which surely was worthy of …